Due to the building of hundreds of miles of spectacular new singletrack near our homebase of Moab, Utah, Fruita trips are longer offered outside of SuperElite custom packages, as are other destinations in Colorado, such as Estes Park and Boulder. The singletrack near Moab is far, far better and the town far more desirable as a tourist destination, so: Sorry, Fruita, you are relegated to entertainment status when we pick up SuperElite clients from the Grand Junction Airport.
If you are interested in any destination in Colorado as part of a SuperElite custom road or mountain bike vacation, contact us for information and itinerary suggestions.
Call 435-259-6419 for information.
FAX number is 435-259-8196.
or write to: Dreamride
P.O. Box 1137
Moab, UT 84532
For email contact information click on: